The aims and objections are to teach children to decode texts effortlessly so all their resources can be used to comprehend what they read and spell effortlessly so all their resources are directed towards composing their writing.
The Read Write Inc. Phonics scheme advocates that lessons should be delivered using the 5 P’s:
Pace - good pace is essential to the lesson
Praise/Positive Teaching - children learn more effectively in a positive climate
Purpose - every part of the lesson has a specific purpose
Participation - working with a partner
Passion - the energy and enthusiasm the group leaders put into a lesson will bring teaching and learning to life as it is a prescriptive programme
Sutton St James Primary School follows the planning from the RWI Teacher’s Handbook and follows set routines. The format of planning for ditties and storybook lessons is also available online, on the Oxford Owl website. Photocopies are available in the storybook packs as well as the required resources.
The resources we use in lessons are identified in the Handbook and consist of: simple and complex speed sound charts, small and large phonic flashcards, magnetic letters, fiction, and non-fiction graded reading books, green and red word flashcards, phonics wall friezes, Fred the frog toys, Handbook, and online subscription.
Reception follows the Read Write Inc scheme and begin learning Set 1 as a whole class in Autumn term 1. Children are split into ability groups following an initial assessment after October half term. Children are then re-assessed during the year and groups are reorganised accordingly.
In Key Stage 1, children work within their reading ability and are re-assessed during the year and the groups are reorganised accordingly. The assessments usually take place every six to eight weeks.
The lessons can last up to 45 minutes and take place daily. These lessons include a Speed Sound session and a Storybook session.
Children are assessed throughout every lesson. Every time partner work is used. the group leader assesses the progress of the children. They assess how the children read the speed sounds, read the green and red word lists, decode the Ditty or Storybook and comprehend the story.
We use the Ruth Miskin School Portal and have access to the Virtual Classroom. The Virtual Classroom have a range of videos which can be used in school and at home. Mrs Bancroft-Turner will send home a couple of video links each week via the Early Reading Poster. You can also access Speed Sound videos by clicking on the stars below.