
Sutton St James Community Primary School

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Sutton St James Community Primary School

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Church links

Sutton St James Community Parish Church

Our school has strong links with the local Parish Church in the village. The children always enjoy visiting the church which we do as often as possible. We contribute to the Church's Flower festival each year and hold the Christingle Service there each year which is a truly magical service. We also finish at the church after our Carol Singing expedition around the village to sing songs around the Christmas Tree and warm up with lovely refreshments!

In addition to this we visit the church to support the work that we do in Religious Education in relation to Christianity. We use not only the inside of the church but also the area around it when looking at History and Geography topics.

Sutton St James Baptist Church

We are very lucky to have two churches in Sutton St James and we have recently started to develop our links with Sutton St James Baptist Church. We are grateful to Mrs Sue Hensby who has worked closely with the school to support us in developing these links further.

This year we were lucky enough to be able to contribute displays to the Baptist Church for their Flower Festival. The children all contributed in some way, whether by writing a poem, drawing pictures of village buildings or by making 3D locally grown flowers. The displays looked beautiful in the Baptist Church and we look forward to being able to support them again next year.

In addition to this, we held our Easter and Spring Celebration at the Baptist Church, which lots of children attended and took part in the service.

The Baptist church runs a drop in coffee morning each Tuesday for Mums (and Dads) after they have dropped their children off at school and Playgroup. Every body is welcome, so why not pop along and see what is going on whilst enjoying a nice cup of tea?!


We look forward to continuing to work with them both and thank them for the support they have given the school.




Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school every day ready for PE lessons. Thank you