Regular attendance and punctuality are vital in order for children to reach their full potential. We aim to work with children and parents in promoting and celebrating good attendance and punctuality.
We track attendance patterns closely and we promote and encourage good attendance in a variety of ways: certificates for classes and individuals, entry into a raffle for 98% or over attendance over a term, recognition of full weekly attendance for individuals earning a Sutton St James Shell (part of our positive behaviour management system).
If your child is late to school they will need to enter through the main entrance where parents will have to complete the 'late book' giving a reason for their late arrival.
If your child is going to be late to school for any reason or absent, please inform the school office by 9.20am with a explanation.
Days off for shopping, birthdays, etc are not allowed. The school has a zero holiday policy, which means that we will not authorise any absence to take a family holiday.
Please try to make medical appointments for after school hours where possible. Failing that either an early or late appointment will mean your child does not need to miss a whole school day. If your child has a medical appointment during school hours please notify the school as early as possible. Children should be collected from and returned to the school office where parents are required to sign their child in and out stating the reason for absence (i.e. which medical appointment they are attending).
It is important that your child arrives at school and is collected from school on time. Children who arrive on time for school are more likely to be responsive and calm for the start of lessons. Children can worry about missing school as they know they will be missing important work.
Parents must inform staff if somebody different will be collecting their child from school at the end of the day. In order to keep your child safe we will not allow them to leave with a different person unless we have been informed.
If a child's attendance is below 95% a letter will be sent to parents to make them aware of this and to encourage an improvement. If this is persistent or absence falls to an even lower rate then additional letters will be sent, parents may be invited to a meeting with the Head Teacher to provide support if possible/necessary or Educational Welfare Officers may become involved.
Please refer to our attendance policy on the policies page.
We request that you notify us of any particular medical or allergies. In case of accident or illness, parents are asked to complete an emergency contact form and keep us up to date with any changes, in particular changes to mobile phone numbers. Parents will be contacted if a child is unwell and unable to continue at school, or when a child is injured and needs medical treatment.
We are unable to administer medicines within school unless this is for on-going medical needs (eg asthma). If your child requires essential medication please speak to the Head Teacher. Should you wish to administer medication (eg antibiotics) to your child during the school day we will be happy for you to do so.
If your child is unwell with sickness and / or diarrhoea please ensure that they do not return to school until 48 hours have passed after the last bout of illness. This information is taken from the 'Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and Other Childcare Settings' found on the Government website.